How To Motivate Yourself - The Trick Behind Lasting Self-Motivation

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this quick self-help segment I'm going to tell you how to motivate yourself okay welcome back so let's crack into this topic of motivation and I have a lot of videos about motivation so I'm going to cover different aspects here I've got a video already that talks about the distinction between intrinsic extrinsic motivation in this video I really want to come at this from the angle of how to motivate you how do you get to motivate your self more so it's one thing to watch a motivational video it's also another thing for somebody to be kicking you in the ass like your boss or your your parents or even me giving you instructions or giving you drive basically but it's a totally different thing to be self-reliant and to be generating this motivation within yourself so let's talk a little bit about what is involved there so let's right at the beginning create this distinction between really two levels on which you might want motivation so you might be watching this video right now and you might be looking to motivate yourself to do what I would consider a chore or some sort of like side activity in your life so what might that be that might be maybe you have trouble going to the gym so you want to motivate yourself to do that you have trouble with your diet so you want to get more more on track with the diet goals that you have maybe you have trouble starting that that that report that you need to do maybe you have trouble getting yourself motivated to do the taxes or do some sort of chore around the house or some chore for your business whatever so those kinds of things there's that kind of lack of motivation and then I would say there's a much deeper lack of motivation this is a much deeper problem is the problem of lack of direction in your life when you feel like your whole life is just slow your whole life doesn't really have much energy or zest behind it feels passionless feels like it's really not going anywhere you feel like you're just kind of in the doldrums you're like a ship that is in the middle of the ocean with no wind around it's just dead quiet and you're not going anywhere sail ship with no wind around you're not going anywhere so that's a lack of direction so these two are connected so we can't just draw a clear-cut line and say that certain activities are just chores and other activities are related to the direction of your life all of it is your life so in some sense this distinction is tenuous and arbitrary but I think you can serve some some use so we'll make the distinction but the point that I want to make to you right now is that if you're actually having problems get them getting motivated to do things in your life like maybe you're having trouble getting to work on time maybe you're starting to notice that you're just not putting in as much effort into the work that you used to maybe you're starting to notice that your gym routine you're just falling off track there or your diet you just can't get yourself engaged to to get your diet cleaned up this might actually be a sign that you have a larger problem and the larger problem here is that you might be doing a bunch of little things that you think are important that you think are necessary that you think you could not live without and you don't even imagine what your life would be like if you stopped doing them but you think they're so important and in fact they're not so what this is is this is a misalignment with your really your authentic self so your authentic self wants one thing and you're let's say conditioned self you're socially conditioned self or maybe even your lower self your subconscious mind or just the routines that you've been running on they are pointing you another direction so very obvious example of this is maybe you have a dream of becoming an artist or maybe a musician and that's something that you're really passionate about and you do this on the side so maybe you play a little bit of guitar or compose some music let's say on the side and then you have a nine-to-five job your real job that you do now if you're starting to lack motivation at your 9 to 5 job but what your real passion is is the music stuff then you can see what's really going on here the solution for you is not to receive a tip from me for how to get more engaged with your shitty unengaging nine-to-five job the ultimate solution there I hope you can see this is that you got to take a look at what you're really passionate about the problem is that your passion about music that's what you really want to be doing so when you're at your 95 job you're so eager to get home and play around with your music and do some composition there maybe interact with your little fan base that you've got going on online or whatever that that's what you're really excited about and the rest of your day and everything else that you're doing is is just a distraction from what you really should be doing which is your music composition but your life is so inverted it's so up that the thing that is your passion that that is supposed to be your motivator in life is it's like very deep beneath the surface and really what you've got is you've got a bunch of activities that you're doing that you think are important that you think are holding your life together but are really not important and this will be a big transition for you is when you can make the shift and finally realize and then start to actually realign your life so that the thing that's on the bottom becomes the thing on the top and the stuff that's on the on the top right now maybe just completely dissolves or gets reprioritized to the very bottom so I want to get that out of the way so this is a much deeper topic that we'll go into this is really finding your life purpose how to get on track with it such as such a deep topic I'm not going to cover that here but I just wanted to say that because it's important that if you're struggling with motivation those can be very powerful signs from your highest self and your science self your highest self can be a very subtle influence in your life it can be a very quiet mellow kind of voice very subtle very subtle what your highest self does your highest stuff will tell you little whispers in your ear hear a little whisper in your there will tell you what you should be doing but that can very easily get drowned out by the overall noise and volume of your day-to-day activity so you have to be conscious of that and I don't want you to be fixing a deep motivational problem by covering it up with a little technique that's not what we're about here we're looking for root solutions root causes and then solving those permanently not banded bandaging putting bandages over that and just bandaging it for a little time it's going to come back to bite you in the ass so let's move past this point though and really talk about how you need to motivate yourself what it takes to motivate yourself so to motivate yourself you really need to have a big goal vision I talk about vision in many other videos I've got videos where I share my own vision I tell you more about vision but here I'm just going to say you need this is when I say vision I mean literally you need a picture in your mind of what you want you have to want something by definition that's what motivation is it's a drive towards something it's an impulse it's motive motive meaning motion to get into motion you need to be moving towards a point towards a destination you don't just get in your car and just drive around aimlessly you go somewhere you have a target in mind well the same thing with your life and the same thing with every sub-domain of your life so if we're talking about motivation for example for losing weight or getting into shape well you need to have a picture of that a picture it needs to be vivid and I know what a lot of you do because I used to do this myself and I still do this to some degree but we really discount that we discount the value of the picture and we just say ah you know I I just I just want to be fit but that's a very vague image of what you really want and it's also probably not very ambitious not very compelling so your picture needs to be vivid your picture needs to be specific your picture needs to be ambitious if it's amber you're gonna you're like you're going to feel like wow if I accomplished that like that would be cool that will be something worth accomplishing for example when I started going to the gym my my vision for myself was to drop sixty five pounds that's a that's a really drastic change my vision for myself was to change my whole relationship with nutrition my vision for myself was getting into amazing relationships having amazing sex those were powerful motivators for me and without those I guarantee you that I could not have done it I lost 65 pounds at about five months working really hard towards it but the only reason I could do that is because I had that picture I had the end in sight this is really important so once you've got that whatever it is you're working on right now if you want you can pause the video and come up with a with a picture the best way to do this is to actually get a piece of paper and write it out write out all the little details that you imagine yourself having and wanting and what this will produce for you and you can even literally start drawing little pictures little diagrams so you can literally example if you want a six-pack actually go and draw a little little picture little stick figure picture of you with the six-pack you won't believe how powerful just that little technique can be right there so you've got your vision let's say the next thing I want you to do is I want you to put this into the larger context of your life too many times we come up with a vision and then we don't really see how it actually effects and ripples through our whole lives and into the future too so this is called kind of future projection you project forward so picture yourself picture yourself being fit picture yourself being able to eat clean foods without having to guilt yourself picture yourself never having to worry about what you're eating anymore picture yourself free of all the negative emotions picture it and actually try to like live into a little bit feel it and and imagine to yourself what that will look like projected one year into the future two years into the future five years into ten twenty years into the future what's your life going to look like if you put this thing into place if you actually realize this if you work your butt off and you make it happen and then of course the flip side of that is to picture what will happen to your life if you do not take action and you do not pursue this goal and you do not keep yourself motivated what's going to happen to your health a year from now if you do not follow through and clean it up clean up your diet what's going to happen to your body five years from now if you don't go to the gym what's going to happen to your performance at work what's going to happen to your sex life what's going to happen to your relationships what's going to happen to your marriage what's going to happen to your relationship with your kids when you don't have the energy that you want to anymore what's going to happen 20 years from now when all of a sudden you get hit with some sort of cancer diagnosis or heart disease diabetes or something else like that project those things and make them vivid this is kind of a mindfuck that you run on yourself because you have to go into your own head and do this work and it's good to sit down and do this once to get a really powerful effect going so maybe dedicate 30 minutes 60 minutes to write out your vision maybe even picture a little bit draw a little stick figures really think about it decide what you want get yourself really soaked into that vision feel it visualize on it it's good to do that once but I guarantee that's not going to be enough to really motivate yourself you have to do something to reconnect with that vision on a continual basis I guarantee that if you've done visioning exercises with you know with other books or other self-help gurus that have shown you this stuff the reason that maybe they haven't really worked the way that you wanted them to or the way that it was promised was because of this last point is that you're not reconnecting with that vision on an everyday on an everyday basis this is so so so critical so this is why for example add I advocate journaling journaling is very powerful to help you do that I have other videos I talked about journal I also advocate visualizations and affirmations and meditation so there's lots of different techniques for you what I want you to decide right now because Jesus are you already have a goal maybe even already have a vision of what you want to accomplish what you want to motivate yourself towards and what you have to start doing commit 4:30 for the next 30 days do the following commit and decide right now what activity or habit you're going to put in place it's going to reconnect you with that vision what's it going to be is it going to be looking at that vision document every morning for five minutes that can be effective maybe it's that is it going to be thinking about it in the shower but you have to make sure that you are actually are thinking about in the shower so I have some sort of reminder there in this when you're in the shower that you're going to be thinking about it while you're showering or is it going to be talking with somebody maybe you have a buddy or a friend who's also into doing what you're doing maybe a gym partner a business partner and you will commit to spend maybe just five or ten minutes every day talking to that person about what you're trying to accomplish maybe it's going to be your mom maybe it's going to be your dad maybe it's going to be your your brother your sister or your wife or your girlfriend or your boyfriend or whomever but you have to you have to be specific here so sit down identify what is going to be that thing that is connecting you back to that vision again and again and again I'll give you a really quick example for example for me when I was really hitting it hard at the gym even after I lost all my white then I started doing weightlifting and just for bodybuilding purposes and I wanted to get a six-pack and I just wanted to put on some nice muscle mass and what I was doing there what really got me motivated I had the original vision like I said but then this was so powerful but so simple to is I just started flexing in front of the mirror every memory every day before I went to the gym I would literally take off my shirt this sounds vain but this is this works this is what you have to do so this is why I'm actually sharing this example and it's good is that it sounds silly and vain but this is important literally take off your shirt and you flex in front of the mirror before you go to the gym and then you come back from the gym after you're you're done with your your extra sizes and you flex again and you look you look at yourself you see where is the muscle growing like for me that was really that was powerful because a couple of weeks would pass and I would see like bigger biceps bigger chest and I'd be like yeah that's that's yeah that's motivating right so this is what it takes and this is just an example with physical body so if your bodybuilder you should be doing this if you're not doing this you're missing out on so much potential motivation now but think about the equivalent of that to your business think about the equivalent of that to improving your relationship think about the equivalent of that to anything else that you want to get motivated on that's what you got to do is you literally have to do this flexing exercise a lot of times when I'm shooting these videos and I'm putting up on line and I'm creating my business I'll just take time at the end of the day to kind of sit back and just kind of soak it in soak in the work that I did to me that's motivating that's inspiring that's like oh damn yeah I really like what I did right there that was cool it it's me reconnecting to my vision and it it triggers me to think about okay okay so I got this piece into place what's the next piece right what's the next piece and that's what that's what visioning is about it's an ongoing process so this is really the core of how to get yourself motivated if you actually take action on this I guarantee you're gonna have some really big improvements and your motivation levels all right so this is Leo I ought to be signing off because this was a quick little seg segment I don't want to spend too much time here but before I go a couple important points please comment of course like this and share this with the word spreads around that's why I release this content for free and then of course if you're interested in motivation man that's one of my favorite topics but also other related topics like life purpose how to really master your psychology how to understand who you are how to really align yourself in such a way that your whole life is just supercharged and motivated how to stay on track with all that because it's one thing to do it once it's another thing to actually keep your life going and going and going and going right how do you do that stuff that's what I'm so passionate about is figuring out all the little techniques tricks strategies mindsets and sharing those with you so go to actualize that sign up to the newsletter here because you're going to get all my my free weekly updates you're also going to get some nice bonuses just for signing up that are exclusive that you can't find anywhere else a 19 part video series about busting your top limiting beliefs and you get a chance to win two hours of free coaching with me which I give away every month to one of my subscribers so check that out you